Recently, radical abortion activists firebombed the office of pro-life groups in Wisconsin and Oregon, burned a pregnancy center in Buffalo, NY, and vandalized over a dozen churches and pregnancy centers.Show more
In Wisconsin, pro-abortion terrorists left a threatening message saying, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.��
Jane’s Revenge has taken responsibility in some of these cases.
According to a bulletin issued by the National Terrorism Advisory System on June 7, more attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers are expected.
In New York, however, instead of investigating arson at Buffalo’s CompassCare, Gov. Kathy Hochul is investigating pro-life pregnancy centers.
Additionally, to cope with the potential reversal of Roe v Wade, the abortion industry has developed a hub-and-spoke plan to fly women into abortion hub states like New York and California.
In response, pro-life infrastructure is being built to serve women across the country through telecare.
In today’s episode, Mark interviews Jim Harden, CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services, to discuss the growing threat of violence and what pro-life advocates can do to protect themselves.
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