How an Initial Website Consultation Works

by | Jul 30, 2022

Hey There,

Why do you need a website? Well, you may not need one. Like everything in IT, it depends.

When we begin planning out a website with a customer the first question I usually ask is, “What do you want it to do?”. This is a good place to start as it starts setting up your framework for the site. Your website can sell products, it can house your blog content, it can house and schedule events, it can be a forum for people to interact.

After this question is answered we then ask, “What do you want it to look like?” Oftentimes example websites are the most help here. If you want a news-style blog you could say, “I want it to look like” Having 2-3 example sites is the best answer to this question.

Another question we ask is, “Do you have a graphics person or do you want us to do the graphics?” Sometimes small businesses will have their own graphics team, which reduces the workload on us. We can build and design logos of course, but if you have graphics designers you like working with then they can get us logos and graphics. This reduces the cost of a website build for you, and simplifies our build workflow as well.

We prefer building functional websites that achieve a lot of things, primariliy because of censorship. Once you get on board into a web platform then you have more control of the data itself. Once this is achieved, you can be flexible and react quicker to problems like your credit card processor deleting you, or Youtube deleting you. You can bounce to a different processor, while still presenting your customer base the exact same frontend.

Hire Us for your next website project.



Owner, Altha Technology